BOSIdna is the breakthrough social networking and collaboration platform where entrepreneurs from around the world can connect, learn and grow. BOSI is the acronym for Builder, Opportunist, Specialist and Innovator - the four cognitive segments of entrepreneurs discovered by serial entrepreneur and author, Joe Abraham.
Transform your company into a scalable and sustainable business
Do you want to
scale your business?

Small Business 3D is a your opportunity to lay the foundation for sustainable and scalable growth in your company. As you go through the program, you'll optimize your vision, plans and team to your "entrepreneurial DNA".

You'll discover and discard strategy and processes that are holding your company back - and learn how to make strategic and human capital decisions that compliment your DNA.

Whether you go through a private program with a BOSI Certified Advisor or as part of a cohort of business owners in a public workshop, you'll be armed with the tools, guidance and methodology you need.

Program deliverables include
- Pre and post-event materials (audio, video, pdf)
- Session workbook
- Event recording (if attending a group program)
- Growth toolkit (over $500 worth of BOSI tools and resources)

This highly interactive strategy workshop is designed around your busy schedule. Choose between private or group programs.
Your BOSI Certified Advisor will take you through the BOSI Methodology in a series of private sessions at your office or theirs
Interact with other business owners as they go through the BOSI Methodology with you in a highly interactive 1/2 day workshop
Find out more


• Founded 2010 after multi-year research with entrepreneurial companies
• Segments business owners into 16 entrepreneurial categories
• Prescribes startup strategy customized to each founder’s “DNA”
• 90% improvement in success and/or growth rate


• Optimize their strategy and team
• Make smarter decisions that drive growth
• Build scalable and sustainable companies


• Breakthrough: Recognized as a game-changing methodology
• Authentic: Professional entrepreneurs - not consultants or academics
• Customized: Not a “one-size-fits-all” approach

How many sessions are in this program?

There are five (5) main modules. Each module has 20-40 minutes of audio/video instruction, pertinent downloads (pdf) and links (articles, case studies etc). You should plan on investing approximately 1-1.5 hours per module - at your own pace and schedule.

Who picks the Advisor for my guided program?
Based on your stage of business, industry, BOSI Profile and location, we hand select an advisor who we know can add significant value to the strategic planning process. If for some reason you don't hit it off well with them, we'll replace them for you.

What are the credentials of your Advisors?
Every BOSI Certified Advisor has built a successful business of their own - or is being mentored by a serial/professional entrepreneur from home office. Our Advisors are not "corporate consultants". They are entrepreneurs just like you - but with access to our global rolodex and resources to help you.

Currently group workshops are offered exclusively through BOSI Certified Advisors in the USA, Canada, Singapore, Middle East, India, Eastern Europe and Australia. More locations are added on a monthly basis as Advisors in those markets and new markets complete their training and certification. Our home office location is in Chicago, USA.

Each BOSI Certified Advisor prices the program to meet the unique demographics and needs of their market. In the US, the typical investment for the group workshop is $395.00 and is limited to a maximum of 10 companies at a time. Typical group size is 6-8 business owners - to ensure high-touch guidance. Contact your BOSI Certified Advisor for pricing in your market. If you want to be connected to a BOSI Certified Advisor, use the "Ask a Question" feature on this page.